We invite you to join us on a journey to delve into post-extractive cultures.
Towards a Post-Extractive Culture is an experimental event that aims to undo the ‘conference’ model,
featuring workshops, thinking-feeling storms, assemblies, and ritual performances. A gathering of cultural
workers, artists, eco-social activists, earth-defenders, Indigenous knowledge keepers, radical researchers,
community organisers, and storytellers for a world of many worlds.
Over three days and two venues, we will gather to inhabit a space of mutual learning and deep listening, where
we draw from the knowledges and experiences that have risen from territorial struggles for the defense of the
Earth in what we have labeled ‘the Global South’. Our hope is to build relations of solidarity across different
groups and to embolden activists, designers, cultural workers and artists to prefigure a post-extractive culture
that can be put into practice.
We welcome you to create disobedient futures with us through a process centered on care and love!
Olivia Biswane
Simyuru Tjaaroeme
Leander Vermaning (Aweroekana Cultura & Wasjikwa)
Felipe Milanez (Um Outro Céu)
Juliana Xukuru
Yacuna Tuxá
Olinda Yawar
Ziel Karapotó
Teresa Borasino (Disobedient Futures)
Dizzi Geetha
Weaving Realities
Abdelfattah Abusrour (Alrowwad Cultural and Arts Society)
Sarah Amsler
Arhanghela (Giuvlipen)
Alejandra Ortiz de Zevallos (entre—ríos)
Talking Wings
Colectivo Moriviví
Yazan Khalili (The Question of Funding)
Here we Draw the Line
Suumil Collective
Pluriversity Collective
Olivia Biswane
Assembly of all organizing collectives
Disobedient Futures (formerly known as Fossil Free Culture
Post-Extractive Futures collective
Global Tapestry of Alternatives
Weaving Realities
Gira Zapatista Holanda
23, 24 February 2023
Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam
Teijin Auditorium
Museumplein 10, 1071 DJ Amsterdam
Regular ticket: € 18,-
Solidarity ticket: € 3,-
Main language is English
25 February 2023
OT301, Amsterdam
Overtoom 301, 1054 HW Amsterdam
Ticket: € 3–18,-
Main language is English
We invite you to join all three days, or some portion of the programme (we encourage you to try to be with us
through at least a full day, if possible). You can see the details of the programme here. If you are in the
Netherlands we welcome you to step outside your everyday life and take this moment to share, learn, unlearn and
connect with us in care and love.
This gathering is made possible by the generous support of Stimuleringsfonds Creatieve Industrie, Patagonia,
Mama Cash and Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam.
Co-produced by Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam. Hosted by Stedelijk Museum and OT301, Amsterdam. Graphic design by Karoline Swiezynski.
This project is initiated by Disobedient Futures (formerly known as Fossil Free Culture NL). Click here to visit old website.
Metropolis M: 08.03.2023, REVIEW — Ilaria Obata